5 Favorite Camera Angles

Low Angle


This shot is used to portray power or massiveness of a person or thing. It shows dominance of a situation. It sends a message of danger and a feeling of ominousness.

Over the TopIMG_0133

Over the top angle or high angle give a feeling of weakness and vulnerableness to something or someone. It portrays defeat and fear as well. It’s used to show someone towering over another.

Dutch AngleIMG_0129

Dutch angle is used to give a feeling of uneasiness or sickness. It creates a disorienting effect. It can show the perspective of someone staggering after being hit also. It can be used to portray awkwardness as well.

Over the Shoulder ShotIMG_0138

Shows conversation between two people. Keeps a conversation feeling connected rather than separate unrelated shots. Can be altered slightly to show dominance.

Birds Eye ViewIMG_0134

Used to show terrain typically. Can also be used to show travel and quick movement. also can show a very large object. like a foreboding cliff.


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